Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Manage your diet

Eat little portions, Frequency More Often
One way you can do if you want to lose weight is you should eat small portions but more often the frequency. The explanation how Portion minimized and higher frequency of this will make your metabolism will be more active, so the fat burning will occur.

How to eat more frequently but in some portions of the shared Here's an example:
Breakfast (7:00)
1 hard-boiled egg
1 cup oatmeal

Morning Snack: (10.00)
1 apple

Lunch (13:00)
1 ounce chicken breast
1 cup brown rice
1 cup vegetables

Afternoon Snack (16:00)
1 slice whole wheat bread
1 piece of fish or grilled meat

Dinner: (19:00)
1 ounce chicken breast
1 cup vegetables

Before Sleep (21:00)
High milk protein but low in fat and sugar.

You can see from the menu the examples that we do not reduce the consumption of fish, chicken and meat. Protein in chicken, fish, and meat will not make you fat. To watch is the consumption of sugars and carbohydrates are too much in rice.

Please note, maybe some people ask you that they can not follow the pattern of eating the hours listed above. I want to underline that the hours that I write here only as a guide only. Non-binding. May be tailored to your situation because of the daily activities of each person's definitely different.

The main point here is that by eating more often then your body will digest more active. Digesting process that often this will reactivate your body's metabolism. Many people who are on a diet food menu settings like it said I was not hungry koq told to eat. Know the facts that, not hungry, that's proof that your metabolism is slow and it should be changed, accelerated fat burning to happen.
Well, are you ready to set an eating schedule tomorrow morning at first you might be surprised with a new diet this diet. But after a long time you will get used and carried in the attitude of everyday life.


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