Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tips for you when you feel Loneliness

loneliness is a condition where someone thinks that no one who understands the desire, passion, understanding, or the purpose of him. He felt other people will not want to understand what he feels.

when one feels alone, he would prefer to stay away from the environment. choose to do activities alone without being noticed by others who knew him as a friend, lover, or family.

in everyone's life would never feel this, because every person must have a sense of saturation of a thing. any activity relating to other people judged is something futile activity. so he decided to get away with people who knew him.

if this process is carried out actually has a positive impact, such a person would be introspecting herself. can see a deeper problem. and can reduce dependence on others. but it is difficult to implement. generally a person who is undergoing this process will be more dominated by negative thoughts.

if someone has been dominated by negative thoughts would be very dangerous and potentially going to lose consciousness, so it can perform the actions that we can not understand. The following are some tips when you are in the process of solitude.

1.use to perform the right activities, means an activity that does not hurt yourself. such as: reading books, watching, listening to music, internet, blogs, etc not blame someone else will your current condition, try to think that other people today do not understand you and will understand later. not consume alcoholic beverages
4.singkirkan objects that could potentially threaten your self.
That 5.Perform activities have never done and it was beneficial
6.Not Think of anything that is negative

it is are just a few tips that can help you when feelings of loneliness happen to you, there are many other ways you can do when the condition occurs alone


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