Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Good Place for Visit
If you like the new place on vacation, and liked the atmosphere of a cool, quiet, naturally. I have one place that recommended. Navan is situated in Central Java Indonesia.
Baturaden Baturraden is the beauty that emanates from the slopes of Mount Slamet. In addition to easy access, this tourist area also provides hotel lodging places. In addition for lovers of outdoor camping ground provided a comfortable and safe. And without worrying about the difficulty of obtaining food, since in this area quite a lot of traders
some places that I recommend to visit in Baturaden is:
Pancuran Pitu Baturaden
Hot water baths containing sulfur. Believed to cure various skin diseases. Located on the upper shower Telu.
Pancuran Telu
Hot water baths containing sulfur. Believed to cure various skin diseases. Located next to the shower Pitu.
Is a camping ground which is often used by nature lovers and connoisseurs out bond activities. Ever digunkan as the venue for the National Jamboree Scout Movement in Indonesia in 2001.
addition of this area there are several other areas that have a waterfall, which gives a very natural impression.
if you want a vacation to this place you should use a personal or rental vehicle (car) due to public vehicles operate only until 5 pm, although there are many public transportation (rickshaw, motorcycle taxi driver) for comfort and ease around the city are encouraged to use private vehicles
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