Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why Women Add Fat After Marriage

Some men and women feel more body contains after marriage. Fatter feeling this could be not just a myth. The new study presented at the American Sociological Association, declared the marriage can indeed lead to weight gain is quite significant.

The study said that after marrying her body weight can be increased up to 33 percent. That number was still in the category of weight gain on a small scale. Increased weight on a larger scale, even reaching 48 percent.

But wait, do not rush to blame if your marriage has suddenly become obese. Studies conducted in 2006 found that there is a tendency dietary changes in women after marriage.

People who are married tend to often eat together. It is believed to be one cause of increasing a person's weight after marriage.

If the husband has to eat more servings, this can affect the appetite of the wife. In other words, the desire to eat a lot sometimes not caused by their own appetite, but appetite comes from eating infected by their partners.

Newly married couples also tend to often make cooking experiment. Spent the weekend together, often synonymous with making a new menu on their food.

As a form of appreciation, the husband will menghabisakan food as a reward for her. Meanwhile, the wife will also be affected with appetite husband. N

Amen, men tend to spend more calories than women, even while resting. While the woman's body burning calories at a slower pace. Therefore do not be surprised women are more prone to gain weight after marriage

Former Miss Venezuela Died at Age 28 Years

"Former Miss Venezuela, Eva Ekvall died in Houston after battling breast cancer since last year," said the spokesman.

He died at the age of 28 years.

"Unfortunately, the cancer finally grabbed it," says writer Leonardo Padron on Globovision.

Eva who is an actress and host of the news, died on Saturday after battling cancer and was very calm in the face, "added Leonardo's no telling whether his remains will be brought back to Venezuela or not.

Former beauty pageant winner who is writing a book intended to raise awareness of cancer, after he was diagnosed to have cancer.

"Now I know how it feels to have no hair at all," said Eva in her Twitter account dated March 10.

"In Venezuela, we spend a lot of money to look beautiful, but not to maintain health," said the former model.

A renowned photographer, Roberto Mata, in collaboration with Eva to perpetuate the fight against cancer in a book called "Fuera de Foco '.

Friday, December 16, 2011

When happiness comes

Have you had a happy surprise, where surprise is make you feel happy and grateful. like when you get a prize, raffle, pass exams, and some other surprises. feeling happy when they arise, do you ever think happiness is stored behind a hidden meaning. in other words there is meaning in every event that you experience.

Generally when people are experiencing these days, someone will be most grateful and thankful for it. rarely do people make sense of these shocking events with memaknainya as a meaning / message hidden

one example: when you get a prize you must be pleased and happy, especially you do not expect to win the lottery. but if we look carefully to the incident we will see a hidden message in it.

There are two messages that can be found:
Positive message: you are given the opportunity to be able to use it with a better prize (if the form of objects that can be used) if the form of money you are expected to use it for good and can give you happiness with someone else (though rarely do). the point is you are using and use it with good intentions

negative message: you will forget how grace is what you get so you do not use it for good, you will be addicted to try again if you've got it all (lottery), you'll be wondering if you fail to get it (because you've got it), you will not be shared with other people because you think people are not taking part in the prize (pure would your business)

you should know, that the happiness it would be very meaningful if you can use, or enjoy it with others. like to give to the poor, give to the person you love, care, or to parents. if you had a family share them with family (wife, husband, children) will be very different if you share them with your friends. or you enjoy the happiness of his own.

one example: when you get a prize money of his lot, if you want to share a bit to others who need the money, it will be very meaningful for them. thanksgiving and prayer will be given to you as a form of thanks for his kindness that you gave.

imagine if your gift can be beneficial for the survival of others, can benefit the health of others, or even be beneficial to the sense of hunger, thirst experienced by many poor people around us

purpose of this paper only wanted a portrait of a condition in which the happiness it would be very meaningful if it can be felt also by others, did not mean to teach you because it is back again to how people make sense of happiness that come and use it.
and believe you will find happiness again and again if you can use them for good and can be felt also by others around you. and pray for happiness of others, even though the person is not familiar to us, hurt us, make us trouble, and be thankful to God

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ten Harshest Prisons in other parts of the world

Ten harshest Prisons in other parts of the world

1. Prison Candiru, Brazil
This prison is notorious for riots that killed 103 inhabitants in 1992 due to fire warden. Riots also involves local police. Caradiru tragedy stems from the outbreak of war between the gang in the prison, which extends to involve a lot of inmates.

2. Tadmor Military Prison, Syria
Milirer prison was built in the middle of the desert. Peak when the erupted cruelty soldier who serves as the prison warden attacked in 1988. In the attack they use a helicopter and landed at Tadmor. These soldiers membatai 500 people prisoners in their cells. Generally inmates were political prisoners.

3. Prison La Sabaneta, Venezuela
In 1994've teradi massacre that resulted in the death of 100an inhabitants. Here violence into everyday meals. Facilities are minimal, making the outbreak of the disease is so easily spread. Plus a doctors service has been minimal, barely even there.

4. Prison Diyarbakir, Turkey
Period 1981 to 1984 residents at least 34 people were killed because of torture. Here, sexual deviance is also commonplace. The residents had protested with a hunger strike and burn themselves, but in vain. Even children who convict sentenced to life imprisonment cruel Diyarbakr ever tasted.

5. La Sante Prison, France
Although the prison's name means 'healthy' but not like reality. Because slavery among wardens to residents, fellow residents became commonplace. Rape cases among fellow residents are also very high, and happens every day. As a result many residents mad, even that can not bear to choose suicide. Throughout 2002 reportedly occurred 122 cases of suicide residents. And in 2003 as many as 73 residents.

6. Alcatraz Prison, San Francisco, California, United States
This prison, known as "The Rock", or "Devil's Island" was built in the 1920s. In addition to building a very tormenting residents, prison guards were cruel. One aturanya the prohibition not to converse with fellow residents. Prisons are built on one small island is only conceded one person escaped. Due to various pressures, the prison was closed in 1963. Now the local government sell the legendary brutality with impale become tourist attractions.

7. Supermax prison ADX Florence, Colorado, United States.
Jailed, 23 hours residents spend time in the cell. This policy is in response to attacks on the guards and staff that occurred in other prisons in America. Terms of the occupant is committing a crime repeatedly or particularly cruel crime.

8. Rikers Island prison, New York.
In 2003, six residents committed suicide due to the atmosphere of a cruel prison. In 2007, Charles Afflic prisoner who was tortured so much of the prison guards had to undergo brain surgery.

9. Bang Kwang prison, Thailand
Inmates chained his legs all the time. Dozens of new residents experienced a period of assimilation stress. Prison, also known as the "Bangkok Hilton" in addition to overcrowding, a shortage of guards also. Khun Nattee prison director admitted, if prison is the most hard throughout Thailand. Here the facilities are minimal, including health care for inmates is very standard. Prisoners who are sick can just curl up with his legs chained in his room, while waiting for the drug.

10. San Quentin Prison, California, United States
1940s inhumane prison guards treat the inmates. Dibotaki their heads and forced to wear numbered uniforms, dining with container buckets. Inhabiting a small cell without a light. Inter-racial riots are common. The ratio between prison guards and inmates are not comparable.

Note: The prison at Guantanamo, Cuba.
Prison is not incorporated into the 10 prisons cruellest by toptenz.com. But the atrocities that happened here is no less terrible. Guantanamo is a military prison complex under the Joint Task Force Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO) and occupies most of the United States naval base at Guantanamo Bay which covers 117 square miles.

The most horrific prison camps operated since January 2002.Lokasinya American side is right on the islands which together with the Kuba.Area camp consists of three detainees at Guantanamo camp is Camp Delta, Camp Iguana, and Camp X-Ray (which had already closed) reply a U.S. military installation.

The total number of prisoners who are in "Camp X-Ray" estimated at 660 people. They come from 44 countries, all related to the allegations as part of "terrorism" internationally. Most of the fighters of al-Qaeda and the Taliban who was captured in Afghanistan. And the Americans suspected of terrorist attacks on the WTC on September 11, 2001 ago.

not just a poor country, even developed countries also have a cruel prison. This shows that the act of criminality is strictly prohibited. criminal action is very harmful to others, especially the victims.

For info Mobile Phones: www.Greisandi.blogspot.com

About Lupus Eritomatosus Sistemik (LES)

Lupus is the common designation of a disorder called Lupus Erythematosus.

In simple terms, a person can be said to suffer from the disease Lupus Erythematosus when the body becomes allergic to itself. Lupus is a term from the Latin word for wolf.

This is due to this disease generally have a butterfly-shaped rash or a red rash on the cheek butterfly similar in cheek wolf, but white.

This disease in medical science called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), namely when the disease has invaded the entire human body or internal system. In the science of immunology or immune, the disease is the opposite of cancer or HIV / AIDS. In lupus, the body into overreacting to the stimulus of something foreign and making too many antibodies or some kind of protein that actually directed against the body's own tissues. Thus, Lupus is called an autoimmune disease (immune disease with excessive).

This type of lupus disease has three forms, the first of cutaneous lupus, often called discoid that affect the skin. Second, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), which attacks the body's organs such as skin, joints, lungs, blood, blood vessels, heart, kidney, liver, brain, and nerves. Third, Drug Induced Lupus (DIL), arises because the use of certain drugs. After use is stopped, symptoms will generally disappear.

and usually odipus (people living with lupus) will avoid things that can make the disease relapsed with:

Avoid stress
Keeping indirect sunlight
reduce the excessive workload
avoiding the use of certain medications.

odipus can checked by a doctor observer on this disease, a specialist in internal medicine hematology consultation, Rheumatology, kidney, hypertension, allergy immunology, if lupus can be insurmountable, medication regularly, take regular medication that is given by a physician (which is usually taken for life) , odipus will be able to live like normal people

The body has immunity to attack the disease and keeping

healthy. However, what happens if it attacks the immune organs
a healthy body. Lupus disease allegedly related to the immunological system
the excess.

This disease is quite mysterious. Doctors sometimes confuse the diagnosis
this disease. His name is a bit unique, LUPUS.
Lupus is Latin for "coyotes". The term has since become known

about a century ago. Initially, patients with this disease thought to have
skin disorders, in the form of redness around the nose and cheeks. Red blotches on the face and arms, heat and fatigue

prolonged, hair loss, swollen joints and often arise sprue. This disease not only affects the skin, but also can
affects nearly all organs in the body.
The symptoms of the disease known as Systemic Lupus Eritomatosus
(LES) aka Lupus. Eritomatosus means reddish. whereas systemic
significant widespread control every aspect of the organs. The term is called the LES
or Lupus.

Number of patients with lupus is not too much. According to literature data, in
United States found 14.6 to 50.8 per 100,000. In Indonesia
can be found about 50,000 sufferers. Lupus disease is still very common for the community.

Having examined the causes of lupus because of heredity and environment.
This disease actually affects women of childbearing age until the age of 50 years.
However, there are also men who experience it. Experts suspect the disease
is associated with the hormone estrogen.

Because lupus affects women infertile, often lead to various aspects
of health. For example the relationship with the pregnancy that led to
abortion, fetal development or the baby died at birth.

However, this could have happened otherwise. That is, instead of pregnancy can
exacerbate the symptoms of Lupus. Common symptoms of lupus appear as pregnancy or after childbirth.

Complete recovery from this disease, it seems difficult. Physicians were more focused on the medication that are focused sementara.Lebih to prevent spread of the disease and not attack the body's vital organs

How to Manage your diet

Eat little portions, Frequency More Often
One way you can do if you want to lose weight is you should eat small portions but more often the frequency. The explanation how Portion minimized and higher frequency of this will make your metabolism will be more active, so the fat burning will occur.

How to eat more frequently but in some portions of the shared Here's an example:
Breakfast (7:00)
1 hard-boiled egg
1 cup oatmeal

Morning Snack: (10.00)
1 apple

Lunch (13:00)
1 ounce chicken breast
1 cup brown rice
1 cup vegetables

Afternoon Snack (16:00)
1 slice whole wheat bread
1 piece of fish or grilled meat

Dinner: (19:00)
1 ounce chicken breast
1 cup vegetables

Before Sleep (21:00)
High milk protein but low in fat and sugar.

You can see from the menu the examples that we do not reduce the consumption of fish, chicken and meat. Protein in chicken, fish, and meat will not make you fat. To watch is the consumption of sugars and carbohydrates are too much in rice.

Please note, maybe some people ask you that they can not follow the pattern of eating the hours listed above. I want to underline that the hours that I write here only as a guide only. Non-binding. May be tailored to your situation because of the daily activities of each person's definitely different.

The main point here is that by eating more often then your body will digest more active. Digesting process that often this will reactivate your body's metabolism. Many people who are on a diet food menu settings like it said I was not hungry koq told to eat. Know the facts that, not hungry, that's proof that your metabolism is slow and it should be changed, accelerated fat burning to happen.
Well, are you ready to set an eating schedule tomorrow morning at first you might be surprised with a new diet this diet. But after a long time you will get used and carried in the attitude of everyday life.

About Cancer

cancer or malignant neoplasms is a disease characterized by typical cell cycle abnormalities that give rise to a cell's ability to:

uncontrolled growth (cell division beyond the normal limit)
invade nearby biological tissue.
migrate to other body tissues via the blood circulation or lymphatic system, called metastasis.

Three malignant character which distinguishes cancer from benign tumors. Most cancers form a tumor, but some do not, such as leukemia. Branch of medical science dealing with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer is called oncology.

Cancer can cause many different symptoms, depending on the location and character of malignancy, and presence or absence of metastasis. Diagnosis usually requires microscopic examination of tissue obtained by biopsy. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.

Most cancers cause death. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in developing countries. Most cancers can be treated and many cured, especially if treatment begins early. Many forms of cancer associated with environmental factors that could have been avoided. Smoking can cause cancer than many other environmental factors. Tumor (Latin; swelling) pointed to an abnormal mass of tissue, but can be a "malignant" (cancerous) or "benign" (not cancerous). Only malignant tumors are able to invade other tissues or metastasize. Cancer can spread through the lymph nodes and blood vessels to other organs.

In the United States and several other developing countries, cancer is now responsible for about 25% of all kematian.Dalam a year, about 0.5% of the population diagnosed with cancer.

In adult males in the United States, the most common cancer is prostate cancer (33% of all cancer cases), lung cancer (13%), cancer of the colon and rectum (10%), bladder cancer (7%), and "cutaneous melanoma (5%). As a cause of lung cancer deaths are the most common (31%), followed by prostate cancer (10%), cancer of the colon and rectum (10%), pancreatic cancer (5%) and leukemia (4%).

For adult women in the United States, breast cancer is the most common (32% of all cancer cases), followed by lung cancer (12%), cancer of the colon and rectum (11%), endometrial cancer (6%, uterine ) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (4%). Based on the cases of death, lung cancer the most common (27% of cancer deaths), followed by breast cancer (15%), cancer of the colon and rectum (10%), ovarian cancer (6%), and pancreatic cancer (6% ).

Statistics can be large in other countries vary. In Indonesia, the cancer became the third largest contributor to mortality after heart disease. The main cause of cancer in the country is an unhealthy lifestyle, such as lack of exercise, smoking, and unhealthy eating patterns. At the plant, the cancer is a disease caused by a type of fungus / bacteria specific. Patterns of plant invasion and Kaner cancer in humans is very different.

Cancer is a diverse class of diseases that are very different in terms of causes and biological. Every organism, even plants, can get cancer. Nearly all cancers are known to appear gradually, while defects accumulate in cancer cells and their children (see section mechanism for a common type of defect)

Causes of cancer:
-materials Chemistry
-Ionizing Radiation-Ultra Violet Radiation
-Metabolic imbalances
-Hormonal imbalance
-Immune System Dysfunction

Some cancers can be caused by infection. This not only applies to animals such as birds, but also in humans. These viruses contribute to 20% against the spread of cancer in humans around the world .. These viruses include human papillomavirus (cervical cancer), poliomavirus in humans (mesothelioma, brain tumors), Epstein-Barr virus (B-cell lymphoproliferative disease and nasopharyngeal cancer), the herpes virus causes Kaposi's sarcoma (Kaposi's sarcoma and primary effusion lymphoma ), hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C (liver cancer), leukemia virus-1 on manusis T cells (T cell leukemia), and helicobacter pylori (stomach cancer).

Experimental and epidemiological data states causative role for the virus and the virus seems to be the second most important risk factor in cancer development in humans, which is only exceeded by the use tembakau.Jenis virus induced tumors can be divided into two, the type of acutely transforming and transformed slowly . In acutely transforming viruses, the virus carries an overactive oncogene called viral-oncogene (v-onc), and virus-infected transformed as soon as v-onc visible. Conversely, the virus that is slowly transformed, the virus genome is inserted near the proto-oncogene in the genome of the parent

In general, clinical symptoms of cancer can be devide into groups:

Local symptoms: enlargement or swelling of an unusual tumor, bleeding (hemorrhage), pain and / or peptic ulcers / ulceration. Compression of surrounding tissues can cause symptoms jaundis (yellowed skin and eyes).
Symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes (lymph node), cough, hemoptysis, hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), bone pain, fracture of affected bones and neurological symptoms. Although at an advanced stage of cancer causes pain, often times it's not the first symptom.
Systemic symptoms: weight loss, appetite decreased significantly, fatigue and kakeksia (emaciated), excessive sweating during sleep / night sweats, anemia, certain paraneoplastic phenomenon is caused by specific conditions such as thrombosis and active cancer hormonal changes. Every symptom in the list above can be caused by various conditions (a list of conditions is called a differential diagnosis). Cancer is probably the main cause or not the primary cause of any symptom.
Symptoms of angiogenesis which is the interaction between tumor cells, stromal cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts and matrix ekstraselular.Pada cancer, a decrease in the concentration of compounds inhibiting the growth of new blood vessels, such as trombospondin, angiostatin and glioma-derived angiogenesis inhibitory factor, and excess expression of factors proangiogenik , such as vascular endothelial growth factor, which allows cancer cells to metastasize. [Treatment of tumors in general always involves two important roles, namely the use of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor monoclonal antibodies to offset overexpression proangiogenik factors, and inhibitors of angiogenesis compounds, such as endostatin and angiostatin.
Symptoms of tumor cell migration, which is characterized by the degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM), which supports the structure of connective tissue cells, the MMP enzymes. Until now this has been known to beam 26 MMP genes that play a role in cancer, with the exception that occurs among others in hepatocellular carcinoma.

Cancer research

Cancer research is a scientific effort to understand the process occupied many diseases and find possible therapies. Although the understanding of cancer has grown exponentially since the last decade of the 20th century, a radical new therapy discovered and introduced only gradually.

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (imatinib and gefitinib) in the late 1990s is considered a major breakthrough. Monoclonal antibodies have proved a major step forward in cancer treatment. [Citation needed]

David Porter, an oncologist from the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center in Philadelphia, was first reported 20 years after cell therapy efforts GM modification genes successfully destroy the T-cell leukemia cancer tumors.

Finding a way to predict which tumors will spread into one of the most important targets in cancer research. Sehyo Choe, a physicist from the University of Heidelberg in Germany, and colleagues built mathematical models of how tumors develop. Gusenbauer at St. Mark's. Poelten University of Applied Sciences, Austria, and rekannnya develop a model of how blood flows through the magnetic beads.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tips How to sell a new product

Ability to sell a product is basically owned by each person, the success of a person to sell products because these products are not always known by the general public. to sell a product that is already known by the general public are more easily compared with a product that is not yet known to the public

advantage of products that have been known to the public include
1.products are already widely used by the public
2.people have a lot to know about these products, strengths and weaknesses of the product
3.these products are sold by the vendors

shortage of products that have not known by the public

1.people not familiar with these products
2.the product is not yet widely used by the public
3.not many sellers who sell these products

way to offer a product that has not been recognized by the people is to utilize the existing shortage of such products into profits
1.if a product is not yet known to the public try to offer a different way, people who already know the product will generally be looking for something different. such as more personal, giving good service, spend more time in a bid
2.take advantage of price differences, if your product is more expensive than products that are already widely known by the people will have more value. of course your product is a product that does have a quality that is almost like a product that is already known by the community. do occasionally offer a product with low price with low quality. the reason being the expectations of the community in trying new products with low price is high
3.provide a real sample of the strength of the product, if you put the product durability of these products, give samples sense if the product is offering a sense, the goal of keeping the public can directly see how the quality of your product
4.did offer to traders who are just starting to sell
5.give a gift to the community if you use your product, the reason is because most people are delighted about the reward directly if using a new product.
6.give rewards to the seller who sold you the product on a large scale, the reason a seller must have many kinds of products if the product you are offering a reward must be a seller will be more motivated in your product offering
7.use the media to introduce your product, such as television, newspapers, radio, etc, if you do not have a big budget you can use a free media and is widely used by the general public such as facebook, twiteer, shop online forums, blogs, etc

it is a few tips I can give in the process of offering a product that is not widely known by the general public, persistence and belief in your product will be very helpful in the process of introducing these products to the public. love your product and give comfort to the users of your product.

Tips for you when you feel Loneliness

loneliness is a condition where someone thinks that no one who understands the desire, passion, understanding, or the purpose of him. He felt other people will not want to understand what he feels.

when one feels alone, he would prefer to stay away from the environment. choose to do activities alone without being noticed by others who knew him as a friend, lover, or family.

in everyone's life would never feel this, because every person must have a sense of saturation of a thing. any activity relating to other people judged is something futile activity. so he decided to get away with people who knew him.

if this process is carried out actually has a positive impact, such a person would be introspecting herself. can see a deeper problem. and can reduce dependence on others. but it is difficult to implement. generally a person who is undergoing this process will be more dominated by negative thoughts.

if someone has been dominated by negative thoughts would be very dangerous and potentially going to lose consciousness, so it can perform the actions that we can not understand. The following are some tips when you are in the process of solitude.

1.use to perform the right activities, means an activity that does not hurt yourself. such as: reading books, watching, listening to music, internet, blogs, etc
2.do not blame someone else will your current condition, try to think that other people today do not understand you and will understand later.
3.do not consume alcoholic beverages
4.singkirkan objects that could potentially threaten your self.
That 5.Perform activities have never done and it was beneficial
6.Not Think of anything that is negative

it is are just a few tips that can help you when feelings of loneliness happen to you, there are many other ways you can do when the condition occurs alone

The Good View from Parangtritis Yogyakarta Indonesia

The beach is a place that has a special attraction for everyone, vast stretches of ocean scenery, sandy beaches along the coast makes a very interesting atmosphere. other than the waves of the ocean beach scene also became one of the biggest attraction for foreign tourists and local.

certainly very much the beaches in this world with its beauty, this time I tried to describe on one of the beaches frequented by tourists in Indonesia. Parangtritis is one of the beaches into tourist destination.

Parangtritis tourist area located in the Village Parangtritis, District Kretek, Bantul regency, Yogyakarta, about 27 km south of Yogyakarta city with a relatively flat road so it is easy to achieve. From the city of Yogyakarta, there are two paths that can be traversed to reach this region. The first path is a straight line Jogjakarta - Parangtritis Road - Clove - Parangtritis. This pathway is the main route used by tourists and society in general. The second path is the path Jogjakarta - Imogiri - Siluk - Parangtritis

Facilities in the tourist area is already quite complete. In the vicinity of the coast, there are a lot of hotels and inns with a variety of price ranges, including hotels and inns located on a hill that offers views of the beach is very beautiful. Around the beach area, you can also find an assortment of souvenir shops and souvenirs typical of Yogyakarta (Bantul)and the typical food from jogja

Parangtritis tourist area also provides ample parking space and rental bathroom. While at the beach you can hire a buggy (buggy), ATVs motorcycles, horses, and paragliding are very challenging adrenaline. Take pictures in the sand dunes make you as if he were take pictures in the desert in Africa, it's no wonder this place is often used for photographs prewedding. You are advised not to swim too deep, because it is quite dangerous waves Parangtritis

Friday, December 9, 2011

Olympic champion mathematics killer arrested

Olympic champion mathematics killer arrested
JAKARTA-Killer Christopher Melky Tanujaya, (16) 2009 Olympic champion junior level Mathematics, North Jakarta Police forces arrested. An unemployed offender, Abdul Jalil (24) alias alias Adul Job. Suspect killed because Christopher wanted to have a BlackBerry cell phone belonging to the victim.

"Thanks to the hard work of our members, secured the suspect last night (Thursday night) at 19:00," said North Jakarta police chief Sr. Comr andap Atmajaya Budhi at the funeral home, Jl Raya Pluit, North Jakarta, on Friday

Christopher TransJakarta Penjaringan down at the bus stop, at around 18:45.

He wanted to visit his grandfather who lived in West Pluit III No. 2. Class 2 high school students of St. Joseph's Institution, Singapore's foot while playing a white BlackBerry Bold type.

Simultaneously, the offender followed the victim. The situation was quiet and dark. Christopher Abdul patted shoulders and asked her cell phone. However, Christopher refused and struggled to maintain because his father's gift that mobile phone

Because mobile phones are not given, Abdul Jalil issued a kitchen knife tucked in the waist, and then inserted several times into the victim, The suspect failed to seize the cell phone because it gripped tightly by the victim. Shouts Christopher Abdul Jalil create panic and ran toward his house. Christopher found a witness, Setyohadi (31), and then taken to the Atma Jaya Hospital. The victim eventually died.

Eliminate evidence

Police said the suspects tried to eliminate evidence by soaking the victim's blood stained clothes. "After that, curly-haired actor who had cut off her hair to be shorter," he said.

Abdul Jalil was arrested without resistance at his home, Jalan Bakti RT 7 RW 7 No. 23, Penjaringan, North Jakarta. He snared with Article 351 paragraph 1 of Article 170 junto KHUP about the persecution that led to death, under penalty of five years in prison and subsection 365 of the Criminal Code concerning violent seizure, under penalty of 20 years in prison.

Father Christopher, Stephen Hans Tanujaya, said, he forgave the perpetrators.

"If the killer was arrested,I am grateful for this case quickly revealed. I personally have forgiven the killer. I've handed over all to the Almighty"he said.

Yesterday, Christopher's body was buried in the cemetery of San Diego Hills, Falkirk

"Goodbye my friend, may your soul calm besides God"

just because someone phone can kill other people, mobile phone is just an object that can be bought with money. innocent lives being lost because of some object. although the social gap happens in the community do not cause a lot of people can act brutally.

man burned himself in front of presidential palace

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: The mystery man who acts self-immolation in front of the Palace of the State began to lift. The Commission for Disappearances and Victims of Violence (Contrast) believe players named Sondang Hutagalung and is a student activist for human rights. Sondang known to often follow the actions taken Contrast.

This assumption is the Chairman of the Division of Advocacy Contrast Krisbiantoro in Jakarta, Friday (9 / 12), based on the recognition of parents and close friends Sondang. They recognize Sondang of the shape of the teeth, feet and shoes. To Kris, Sondang once said he wanted to become an activist whose name is remembered. Allegedly, the motive is what makes actors desperate to burn yourself.

Sondang was in college at the University of Bung Karno and is writing his thesis. He is known as an activist Munir friend and always participated in the Action Kamisan about a missing person in front of the Palace. Sondang also known as the Chairman of the Student Association Hamurabi or Marhaenist For the People and the Nation Indonesia

action burn away this happened several times already, i can not understand why someone has the courage to burn herself. whether this is a form of disillusionment with life or this is a form of increasing levels of strees someone in life.

if you want to express disillusionment with the government's actions do not burn yourself this will produce something meaningful for a change in this country. shows the form of disillusionment with the government seharusny can be done by a better and more wisely without harming others, and yourself.

The Meaning of Love

Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment.In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love is central to many religions, as in the Christian phrase, "God is love" or Agape in the Canonical gospels.Love may also be described as actions towards others (or oneself) based on compassion, or as actions towards others based on affection.

In English, love refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure ("I loved that meal") to interpersonal attraction ("I love my partner"). "Love" may refer specifically to the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love, to the sexual love of eros, to the emotional closeness of familial love, or the platonic love that defines friendship,to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love. This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states

The word "love" can have a variety of related but distinct meanings in different contexts. Often, other languages use multiple words to express some of the different concepts that English relies mainly on "love" to encapsulate; one example is the plurality of Greek words for "love." Cultural differences in conceptualizing love thus make it doubly difficult to establish any universal definition.

Although the nature or essence of love is a subject of frequent debate, different aspects of the word can be clarified by determining what isn't love. As a general expression of positive sentiment (a stronger form of like), love is commonly contrasted with hate (or neutral apathy); as a less sexual and more emotionally intimate form of romantic attachment, love is commonly contrasted with lust; and as an interpersonal relationship with romantic overtones, love is sometimes contrasted with friendship, although the word love is often applied to close friendships.

When discussed in the abstract, love usually refers to interpersonal love, an experience felt by a person for another person. Love often involves caring for or identifying with a person or thing (cf. vulnerability and care theory of love), including oneself (cf. narcissism). In addition to cross-cultural differences in understanding love, ideas about love have also changed greatly over time. Some historians date modern conceptions of romantic love to courtly Europe during or after the Middle Ages, although the prior existence of romantic attachments is attested by ancient love poetry.

Because of the complex and abstract nature of love, discourse on love is commonly reduced to a thought-terminating cliché, and there are a number of common proverbs regarding love, from Virgil's "Love conquers all" to The Beatles' "All You Need Is Love". St. Thomas Aquinas, following Aristotle, defines love as "to will the good of another."Bertrand Russell describes love as a condition of "absolute value," as opposed to relative value. Philosopher Gottfried Leibniz said that love is "to be delighted by the happiness of another"

sometimes love can make you very excited, also sometimes love can make you become someone who is not excited. love of family is something that is eternal. while in love with someone is something very confusing. if we love someone with all my heart but the people we love is not love us with all her heart is also a lot of problems that arise in a relationship

many forms of expression of love also makes us more confused, whether the form of love that we get is pure sincerity. this is a very subjective depending on each understands it. not everyone can love someone with all her heart even though they are already bound in a marriage

many people who become stressed because of love, many people heartbroken because of love. even today many people choose to commit suicide or kill for love. what a sight that should not happen. control is the key to overcome the feeling of love. if we can master ourselves in responding to a feeling of love must have something like the above will not occur.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Political life at this Time

Politics today in my country is still the same and has not undergone significant changes. actors in them are also still have the same culture. I watched a lot of honest people who want to get into politics did not get anywhere.

I see basically the current political actors have a high intelligence level, education level they can be said to be very good. but much of their behavior that does not show that they have higher levels of education. money and position blinds them to the lives of others.

I do not understand what is the system that can not be changed or is due to the lack of willingness of political actors to change it. or caused by so small number of political actors who have properties that care about others.

some literature that I read and understand it, basically saying that politics does not have a problem. that many problems are the actors in them. while the system is the work of politics. a system will not run without people in it.

I've been an independent country, was not colonized but the development of life in this country is very slow when compared with other states. definitely a new thing will always be challenged and banned because of something new that may be damaging the old system.

I repeatedly saw on television how the behavior of political actors still do not show changes in a more populist. always indicate an exclusive and luxurious impression. did not indicate if they are elected by the people who are far from luxurious. I am convinced and believe that today's society are basically aware of the behavior of their representatives in parliament. however, because their lives are not yet well established, some communities are tired of hoping a change in the welfare of their lives even though they had done several times a general election.

There is a saying "The Right Man in the Wrong Place" today saying it had turned into "The Wrong Man in the Wrong Place" is not to be apathetic or skeptical I will state right now. I still have faith that all this will change for the better someday.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kemang Nightlife: The Best Bars and Clubs


Codefin building, Jalan Kemang Raya 8

Phone number: (62-21) 7182208

Email Barcode: info at barcode.co.id

Triple Nine

Kemang Arcade Building on the third floor

Kemang Raya 20 A

Phone number of 999 club: 021-7182284

Email: triplenine at ymail.com

Nu China

Jl. Kemang Raya No. 24 Jakarta Selatan

Phone : 62217193854 | 622153691026

For infos & sofa booking: Call Mira (087886084589)


Jl. Kemang Raya No. 67,

Kemang, South Jakarta

To call them : (+62-21) 719-1333


The Beat Building 3rd Floor

Kemang Raya No 29

Jakarta, Indonesia

Phone : (+62) 21 718 2970 Fax : (+62) 21 7179 3960

Email address: tipsy.club@yahoo.co.id

The Green

JL. Kemang Raya No. 25

Phone number: 021 834 8411 or 021 7181 555

Email : thegreen_clubresto@yahoo.com or dekstoo@gmail.com

Second Floor and SF Club

Jln. Kemang Raya No. 43A

Email: riodejaneiro at yahoo.com

Phone: 62 21 7182555 or 62 21 7182666

Splash Kemang Adrenaline Park

No. 71-80 Jalan Kemang 1

Kel. Bangka, Mampang Prapatan

Jakarta Selatan 12730

The Venue

Jl. Kemang Selatan No.2

Phone number: +62-21 780 5610

Mobile : +62 (0) 838 82 42242

Attics bar and lounge

Jalan Kemang Raya No. 24A

South Jakarta

Phone number: +62-21 719 4273

Fax: +62-21 717 93960

Birdie Warung Bir

Jalan Kemang I no3

Phone number: +62-21 9127 9207

SHY Rooftop

Level 5 The Papilion

Jalan Kemang Raya No. 45 AA

Jakarta, Indonesia, 12730

Tel: +62-21 719 9921



Jalan Taman Kemang Raya No. 6A,

Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

Phone number: (+62-21)7191357

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Good Place for Visit

If you like the new place on vacation, and liked the atmosphere of a cool, quiet, naturally. I have one place that recommended. Navan is situated in Central Java Indonesia.

Baturaden Baturraden is the beauty that emanates from the slopes of Mount Slamet. In addition to easy access, this tourist area also provides hotel lodging places. In addition for lovers of outdoor camping ground provided a comfortable and safe. And without worrying about the difficulty of obtaining food, since in this area quite a lot of traders

some places that I recommend to visit in Baturaden is:
Pancuran Pitu Baturaden

Hot water baths containing sulfur. Believed to cure various skin diseases. Located on the upper shower Telu.

Pancuran Telu

Hot water baths containing sulfur. Believed to cure various skin diseases. Located next to the shower Pitu.


Is a camping ground which is often used by nature lovers and connoisseurs out bond activities. Ever digunkan as the venue for the National Jamboree Scout Movement in Indonesia in 2001.
addition of this area there are several other areas that have a waterfall, which gives a very natural impression.

if you want a vacation to this place you should use a personal or rental vehicle (car) due to public vehicles operate only until 5 pm, although there are many public transportation (rickshaw, motorcycle taxi driver) for comfort and ease around the city are encouraged to use private vehicles

Funny Videos

Baby Talk

Bujanovac § Gilansko § techno bebe

The Good Places For Vocation

Have you ever seen the river green?? or have you ever seen the river surrounded by rocks ?? and saw a beautiful waterfall ?? this is the answer.. if you want to Holiday and want enjoying nature environment. you can visit "Green Canyon". Green Canyon is located in Indonesia country, Green Canyon tourist spot located in the Village Kertayasa, Ciamis, West Java, about 31 km from Pangandaran. green canyon is now visited by many foreign and local tourists, some foreign tourist said "This is a natural beauty and give many the impression to him" green canyon is like a river long and greenish where beauty is so natural.

The goal is tunnel-like cave which is under the land bridge, known as Green Canyon Cave. To reach the cave, you should use a boat down the river Cijulang called ketinting. The boat was only able to be boarded by five passengers. Rent a boat or ketinting price of Rp 75,000, - per boat. The time required to perform the journey that starts from the pier towards the cave Ciseureuh approximately 30 minutes.

On the side of the river flow Cijulang you can enjoy climbing hills overgrown with lush green trees and rocks that decorate it. The trip will not be boring for beautiful scenery and relaxed to enjoy the river. Rose ketinting can also create unique, especially for children who enjoyed the water.

When nearly there, the path will be narrowed so that the boat had to take turns to enter this pathway. There is also a regulator that gives direction to the driver drove the boat to be orderly. Near the mouth of the cave, ketinting no longer be able to deliver you and your entourage are not possible because the path traversed.

Beautiful scenery awaits you after getting off the boat. You can enjoy a solid side of the cave to see the stalactite and stalagmite that is still dripping with water. Water continuously issued on the cliff so that the area is referred to as the eternal rain elapsed. You can also swim in the cave by using the buoy. You will feel the water is cold and refreshing. More beautiful scenery while watching the waterfall Palatar contained in the Green Canyon Cave. Swimming in cold water while enjoying the high cliffs and see the stalactite and stalagmite definitely an experience in itself is not forgotten.

However, if you intend to visit this place should be visited during the dry season because this season, the river water is green Cijulang Tosca. Whereas in the rainy season, when high rainfall, river water will be brown. In addition to the rainy season is likely to be tidal river water or river water flow is too heavy, so the place was closed to the public for the safety of visitors.

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