Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why Women Add Fat After Marriage

Some men and women feel more body contains after marriage. Fatter feeling this could be not just a myth. The new study presented at the American Sociological Association, declared the marriage can indeed lead to weight gain is quite significant.

The study said that after marrying her body weight can be increased up to 33 percent. That number was still in the category of weight gain on a small scale. Increased weight on a larger scale, even reaching 48 percent.

But wait, do not rush to blame if your marriage has suddenly become obese. Studies conducted in 2006 found that there is a tendency dietary changes in women after marriage.

People who are married tend to often eat together. It is believed to be one cause of increasing a person's weight after marriage.

If the husband has to eat more servings, this can affect the appetite of the wife. In other words, the desire to eat a lot sometimes not caused by their own appetite, but appetite comes from eating infected by their partners.

Newly married couples also tend to often make cooking experiment. Spent the weekend together, often synonymous with making a new menu on their food.

As a form of appreciation, the husband will menghabisakan food as a reward for her. Meanwhile, the wife will also be affected with appetite husband. N

Amen, men tend to spend more calories than women, even while resting. While the woman's body burning calories at a slower pace. Therefore do not be surprised women are more prone to gain weight after marriage

Former Miss Venezuela Died at Age 28 Years

"Former Miss Venezuela, Eva Ekvall died in Houston after battling breast cancer since last year," said the spokesman.

He died at the age of 28 years.

"Unfortunately, the cancer finally grabbed it," says writer Leonardo Padron on Globovision.

Eva who is an actress and host of the news, died on Saturday after battling cancer and was very calm in the face, "added Leonardo's no telling whether his remains will be brought back to Venezuela or not.

Former beauty pageant winner who is writing a book intended to raise awareness of cancer, after he was diagnosed to have cancer.

"Now I know how it feels to have no hair at all," said Eva in her Twitter account dated March 10.

"In Venezuela, we spend a lot of money to look beautiful, but not to maintain health," said the former model.

A renowned photographer, Roberto Mata, in collaboration with Eva to perpetuate the fight against cancer in a book called "Fuera de Foco '.

Friday, December 16, 2011

When happiness comes

Have you had a happy surprise, where surprise is make you feel happy and grateful. like when you get a prize, raffle, pass exams, and some other surprises. feeling happy when they arise, do you ever think happiness is stored behind a hidden meaning. in other words there is meaning in every event that you experience.

Generally when people are experiencing these days, someone will be most grateful and thankful for it. rarely do people make sense of these shocking events with memaknainya as a meaning / message hidden

one example: when you get a prize you must be pleased and happy, especially you do not expect to win the lottery. but if we look carefully to the incident we will see a hidden message in it.

There are two messages that can be found:
Positive message: you are given the opportunity to be able to use it with a better prize (if the form of objects that can be used) if the form of money you are expected to use it for good and can give you happiness with someone else (though rarely do). the point is you are using and use it with good intentions

negative message: you will forget how grace is what you get so you do not use it for good, you will be addicted to try again if you've got it all (lottery), you'll be wondering if you fail to get it (because you've got it), you will not be shared with other people because you think people are not taking part in the prize (pure would your business)

you should know, that the happiness it would be very meaningful if you can use, or enjoy it with others. like to give to the poor, give to the person you love, care, or to parents. if you had a family share them with family (wife, husband, children) will be very different if you share them with your friends. or you enjoy the happiness of his own.

one example: when you get a prize money of his lot, if you want to share a bit to others who need the money, it will be very meaningful for them. thanksgiving and prayer will be given to you as a form of thanks for his kindness that you gave.

imagine if your gift can be beneficial for the survival of others, can benefit the health of others, or even be beneficial to the sense of hunger, thirst experienced by many poor people around us

purpose of this paper only wanted a portrait of a condition in which the happiness it would be very meaningful if it can be felt also by others, did not mean to teach you because it is back again to how people make sense of happiness that come and use it.
and believe you will find happiness again and again if you can use them for good and can be felt also by others around you. and pray for happiness of others, even though the person is not familiar to us, hurt us, make us trouble, and be thankful to God

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